Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Is the Zika Virus still in the US?

The Zika Virus was very big news in the media not too long ago but has faded in coverage which may have you wondering, is the Zika Virus still in the United States? The short answer is yes. Learn more about this disease, especially dangerous for expectant mothers, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.


The CDC is Taking Action
The Zika Virus is located currently in a small region around Miami, Florida. The CDC is stepping in to ensure that it doesn't spread any further than that. They are keeping a very close eye on the large pools of water in the area where they could potentially breed. These water sources are being flushed out regularly.

Additionally, the CDC is creating mosquito control plans. These involve spraying nets, education, and getting rid of breeding environments. They are also working to inform people of what signs to watch for in relation to being infected so that they can get treatment right away.

What to Watch Out For
There are a few signs and symptoms to watch out for if you think that you could have been infected. The symptoms are very similar to that of a cold or flu. You will likely get a fever, red eyes, a rash, and a headache. There is also commonly muscle or joint pain that will occur.

If you are feeling any of these and you are pregnant, doctors will check for Zika right away. If you are not pregnant, testing isn't commonly performed.

How-to Protect Yourself
The easiest way to protect yourself from the Zika Virus is by avoiding being bitten by a mosquito in the first place. Well that's easy to say, but not so easy to do. However, there are several preventative measures that you can take in order to keep yourself from being bitten.
  • Before going outside, cover yourself in clothing that prevents insects access to your bare skin. Pay special attention to your arms and legs.
  • A strong mosquito repellent should also be sprayed on the skin to keep the pests at bay.
  • If you sleep in an outdoor space or somewhere that a mosquito could potentially get into, put a mosquito net up around your bed. Do the same for your children's beds.
  • At home, make sure that if your windows are open, they all have screens that will effectively keep mosquitoes out. If you have rips or tears, get them replaced and keep the windows shut until the job is completed.
  • Finally, keep your air conditioner running and the inside of your living space cold. Mosquitoes like temperatures of 80 degrees or higher so if your home is cool, they will likely go somewhere warmer to feed.
Fischer Can Help You Prevent Zika
One sure-fire way to keep the Zika Virus at bay is by preventing mosquitoes from inhabiting your personal space. Our professionals know what type of treatment you will need just by coming to your home and inspecting your property. We can custom create a plan that will be the most effective for your specific situation.

Just 24 hours following the application around fences, the perimeter of your house, and in landscaping, the population of mosquitoes will be at zero. You can rest easy knowing that the Zika Virus is not going to get to you or your loved ones.

With over 60 years of experience, you can be sure that your treatment is going to be effective. Contact us today to get a free inspection!

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