Tuesday, November 22, 2016

5 Tips to Keep Bed Bugs out of Your Home this Winter!

It’s been established that bed bugs can not only survive, but also thrive in the winter months. So, how do you keep them out of your house? The insects like to live in a warm environment where they have access to food. When the temperatures drop that warm place for them is going to be somewhere inside of your house. Yikes! Learn how to keep the critters away from you and out of your family’s home with these five tips.

#1 Check the Bed Bug Registry Before Going Somewhere
You already know that a common way to pick up bed bugs is while you are traveling. How are you supposed to know where it’s safe to stay?

After a terrible bed bug situation in San Francisco many years ago, a bed bug registry was created. At www.BedBugRegistry.com, people can report bed bug infestations in hotels and in turn, you can look and see if the place you are planning to visit has any comments. This is available to you in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.


#2 Check Your Pets
Bed bugs prefer to feed on humans, but they will settle for a dog, cat, guinea pig, bird, or rat if that's what is available. If you think there are bed bugs biting your pet, do a thorough inspection of their skin. You will see small red bites close together, just like on a human.

Seeing the bites on an animal is not always possible. As a precaution, it is a good idea to wash all of the pet's bedding and toys and dry them with heat.

#3 Take Precautions at Hotels
As soon as you arrive at your hotel room, get out a flashlight and start looking for bed bugs, eggs, droppings, or blood smears. If you suspect there are bed bugs present, let the front desk know right away. They should have no problem moving you to a different room.

Keep your luggage up off the floor or in the bathroom to prevent the pests from sneaking a ride back home with you. When you get home, make sure you wash and dry everything  (with heat) that was in your hotel with you.

#4 Check Your Seat on Public Transit
Before taking a seat on the bus, train, or in the subway car, do an examination of your seat. This is a common place for bed bugs to live. In fact, they can stay in these spots for up to a year without ever needing to leave for food. It isn't common, but it can happen. If you have any doubt on whether or not your area is free from bugs, just stay standing.

#5 Place New Clothes in the Dryer
You went to a high-end retailer to purchase a few pieces for your wardrobe. Bed bugs were probably the furthest thing from your mind. Now, you have an infestation! How did that happen? They can live on clothing inside the store. Keep this tragedy from occurring by tossing your new purchases in the dryer for a half hour when you get home.

Those are just a few ways you can help prevent bed bugs from coming and staying at your home. In the event you think you are already infected, it may be time to call the experts. Contact us today for a free inspection! 

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