Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What is the Difference Between Mosquito Misting and Barrier Systems?

If you are looking for a quick, affordable, and effective way to get rid of the pesky mosquitos that are taking over your property, there are different options including mosquito misting and barrier systems. What’s the difference between the two? How do you know which one is right for you? Let’s take a closer look at what you should know about each of these options.


Comparing Systems
What’s the difference between the two systems? A mosquito misting system involves a recurring misting spray that works through a setup of equipment which is placed on your property. A barrier system on the other hand is applied directly on the yard by a professional.

How They Work
The misting system is one that gets installed around a house or commercial building. During specific times, a spray is released to kill off the mosquitoes and keep them from breeding. As the chemical sprays get used up, you have to refill them to ensure the system stays in operation.

The barrier system is a little different. You are not responsible for any part of the operations as it is all done by the installer. There are no chemicals to refill or any type of upkeep on your end.

Length of Effectiveness
If you are looking for the treatment type that is going to last the longest, you will want to go with the barrier system. This system stays on the yard for anywhere from 30-60 days, depending on the level of coverage you choose. The misting system, on the other hand, only lasts for about 10 minutes after the spray is released. As mentioned before, you also have to constantly refill chemicals to keep it running.

Coverage Area
You might think that having a misting system is best because it keeps the mosquitoes away from where you are, the home. The truth is, these insects actually live in the lawn area. Knowing that, it’s easy to understand that a barrier system is most likely going to be more effective.

The most important question is always, how much is it going to cost? The misting method requires a decent sized set up price with all the equipment that has to be installed along with the chemicals. You have to keep purchasing more chemicals too as you run out.

The barrier treatment is one that does not require any additional costs after the installer leaves. The lawn is treated, you pay the bill, and you’re good to go for at least 30 days.

There are a few dangers that you should be aware of if you are considering the misting form of mosquito prevention. Remember that there will be chemicals consistently spraying all around your home. These can be hazardous if inhaled and can also cause further damages to the body.

The chemicals are also just sprayed out with no real direction. There is a chance that they are not even hitting any mosquitoes thus wasting your money.

Additionally, scientists are questioning these resilient critters and their ability to come in contact with the chemicals and not even be effected.

The Verdict
In the end, barrier systems are most likely going to be the best option between the two. Not only are they easier on the homeowner, they are also cheaper, more effective, and more safe. You can treat a mosquito problem knowing that you are not exposing yourself or your family to dangerous chemicals.

Now that you know which type of mosquito prevention treatment is recommended, it is time to spring into action. Contact us today with any questions or to set up your services.

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