Friday, October 14, 2016

Can Bedbugs Live in the Winter?

"Can bedbugs live in the winter?"—that’s a great question.

If you're worried about bedbugs, you want to make sure you're protected year round.
Bedbugs are a unique type of pest that can freeze when exposed to extremely cold temperatures—but, this rarely happens.


Because bedbugs make their homes in beds, sofas, and even furniture, but never outdoors. They stay warm year roundwhich means, you should always be prepared by:

Taking Proven Preventative Measures
The best way to ensure your home is free of bedbugs is to make sure they never enter. This can be done by taking two proven preventative measures.

  1. Always make sure you, your clothes, and your sheets are clean.
Bedbugs will feast on anything that's dirty. They'll also spread their colony and eggs by attaching themselves to cloth and moving around your home. You want to make sure that you shower after physical activity and work. Also, you want to make extra sure that your kids aren't running around your home while dirty.

It’s also a good idea to not wear shoes in your home—especially on carpeted areas and near the bedroom. You should make sure your floors are swept and mopped at least once a week. As this will keep your home free of any food that might attract bedbugs.

Always make sure your sheets are clean by washing them once a week. In addition, never eat in bed, and never let pets in your bed.
  1. Only Purchase New Furniture
While it might seem a bit overboard, only purchasing new furniture is a key preventative measure you can take. Furniture fresh from the store is clean and polished. The chances of it having bedbugs are slim to none.

Furniture that comes estate sales, antique stores, and second-hand shops can be a major source of bedbugs. It's recommended that you never buy furniture that comes from these type of places. But, if you do, you should always carefully inspect it before bringing it into your home.

When inspecting furniture (or any areas of your home) for bedbugs, realize that they:
  • Are very tiny
  • Feed at night
  • Leave visible droppings
These droppings are easier to see than the bug themselves, so keep your eyes peeled. If you do find bedbugs, the next step you should take is to contact a pest control company, as they’re the solution that can completely rid your home of the pests.

Why Contact a Pest Control Company
Ridding your home of bedbugs can be a time-consuming, costly process. It also requires a certain degree of expertise, experience, and knowledge. DIY jobs rarely solve the problem. A pest control company is always your best bet. They’ll:

Perform a Complete Bedbug Inspection to Locate Any and All Bugs
A complete bedbug inspection is the first and perhaps most important step in eliminating bedbugs. A good pest control company knows this and will perform a thorough inspection to determine what areas of your home need to be treated.

Eliminate the Bugs and Their Eggs
Pest control companies use effective and necessary measures to eliminate all the bugs and eggs. Once this is completed, preventative measures can once again be taken.

Bedbugs can live in the winter. As the season approaches, be prepared. Use preventative measures to make sure bedbugs never enter your home. If you find bedbugs or need assistance, please contact us today!

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