Friday, October 7, 2016

5 Great Tips to Prepare Your Home for Fall Pests

“Preparation leads to prevention”—such a true statement.

Especially in regards to pest control.

No one (that we know of) has ever magically prevented pests from entering their home.

Taking proper preventative measures is always necessary.

Anything less is just leaving it up to chance—something we’re sure you don’t want to do.


Fall Is in Full Swing—It’s Time to Take Action
It might come as a surprise, but pests love the fall. It’s the season where they start preparing for the winter by moving closer and closer to homes. Which means—more food, water, and shelter. Now that the fall is in full swing, you should definitely be taking preventative action.

Five great tips that you can use to prepare your home for fall pests are:

Tip 1—Eliminate All Sources of Water and Moisture to Ensure There’s No Way Pests Can Survive in Your Home
This is the most important tip that we can give you. Pests need water (not food) to survive. For this reason, it’s super important that you find and eliminate any and all water sources that can serve as a drinking fountain for pests. We recommend that you carefully inspect all appliances for pooling/dripping. Also, check:
  • All corners of your home
  • Your basement
  • Your attic
  • Your kitchen
Once you’ve located sources and problem areas, you can take action. We recommend hiring an appliance company to fix leaks and drips. We also recommend thoroughly cleaning your kitchen, countertops, and floors. You should sweep, mop, and disinfect.

Tip 2—Eliminate All Entry Points to Ensure There’s No Way Pests Can Enter Your Home
This is a pretty common sense tip—but you’d be surprised how often people overlook it. It’s not easy to eliminate all entry points. For this reason, we recommend that you use a professional pest control company. When using Fischer Environmental, you can rest easy knowing that:
  • All holes and openings are sealed
  • All attic and ceiling fan entry points are blocked
  • All small cracks (inside and outside your home) are filled
The chances of pests entering your home will be slim to none.

Tip 3—Make Sure Pests Can’t Keep Warm in Places Near Your Home
The perfect heater for fall pests is stacks of firewood near your home. We know how awesome fall fires are, so we don’t recommend getting rid of firewood. To us, the most reasonable (and proven) tip is to move firewood as far away from your home as possible.

We also recommend that you pay close attention to things like garbage, playground equipment, and children’s toys. These can oftentimes be a great place for fall pests to warm up before they make the ultimate attempt to get in your home.

Tip 4—Don’t Give Pests a Free Ticket into Your Home (In Other Words—Shut Your Door!)
Pests are like little kids—if you give them the opportunity, they will take it.

Fall is one of the only times we get to enjoy decent weather in Louisiana. So, we don’t discourage opening your windows. But, we do discourage keeping your door(s) open.

Tip 5—Cover Your Pool and Hot Tub So Pests Can’t Party Next to Your Home
Pests breed in the fall. And, there’s no better breeding spot than a pool or hot tub. If you have one (or both), make sure it (they’re) always covered.

An Extra Tip
Fisher Environmental is the number one resource you can use to tell pests that they have no place in your home. We’ve served the Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coasts for over 50 years. We’ll put our experience to work so that your fall (and winter) are as pleasant and possible.
Contact us today to learn more!

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