Thursday, November 9, 2017

Keeping Roaches at Bay This Fall

As fall rolls around, it means many things for the residents of Louisiana.

Cooler weather, shorter days, holidays coming up, and guests of all kinds.

While you welcome your friends and family, there are some guests you don’t want...One of those is roaches.


Autumn Brings Roaches Indoors

As the weather cools downs, roaches start to head indoors to escape the weather.

Just like all insects, they don’t have the means to regulate their body temperature, so they must seek out warmth to stay alive. In addition to coming inside, they also like to hide in piles of fallen leaves and other debris.

Since these are often raked up near houses, roaches can start to multiply near your home. In these ways, the cooler weather is responsible for the increase in roaches you may see around this time of year.

Tips for Keeping Roaches at Bay

If you want to keep the roaches at bay when the cooler weather hits, we have some tips for you.

  • Be sure that you aren’t piling up raked leaves near your home. If you have to rake leaves, keep the piles well away from any structure, or collect the leaves in yard waste bags to be discarded immediately.
  • Be sure that your garden mulch isn’t too high. This can give roaches a place to burrow and multiply, around your home. Many people put extra mulch on their gardens in the autumn to protect plants and prepare the soil for winter.
  • Be sure that your gutters aren’t filled with leaves and debris. Filled gutters can allow roaches to come into your home under the eaves.
  • Be sure to follow regular pest control measures as you would year-round. Keep sugar, fruit, and other foods put away or zipped up tight. Roaches need a food source to survive. Be sure to keep pet food tightly sealed as well, especially if you keep it in the garage or other areas that aren’t as tightly secured as your home.
  • Get great tips from experts. You can check out the Pest Gazette from the past to find some great general tips for keeping your home free of pests or check out our website at Fischer Environmental to learn more about cockroaches and how they can get into your home. Our blog is also full of great tips for keeping pests away from your space.

Regular Pest Service Keeps Your Home Cockroach Free

One of the best ways that you can avoid roaches in the fall is to schedule a regular pest control service every year. This is because cockroaches have a unique method of finding their way back into homes that they have already been in. They emit a chemical trail in every place they’ve ever been, and other cockroaches can follow these trails. To them, it’s like a map that leads them right to a source of food and warmth.

By having a regular pest service every year, you can prevent this chemical trail from being left to attract new roaches.

That’s a very important part of keeping roaches out of your house in the fall, but you have to be proactive before the roaches get near your home for this to work.

At Fischer Environmental, we can eliminate your cockroach problem with our years of expertise.

Not only will we use the right chemical pesticides to eradicate roaches, but we also inspect your home for common ways that roaches can get into your home, such as holes near the baseboards, leaky pipes, and more.

Contact us today for a no-obligation estimate and more information.

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