Monday, October 30, 2017

You’re About to Start Seeing Rodents in Your Metro NOLA Homes…What Can You Do?

It’s that time of year again. The temperatures are finally starting to drop, and soon will be consistently in the 70’s.

And while everyone in metro New Orleans loves when the weather cools down, there are city critters that don’t: rodents.

Rats and mice that live on the streets like to be warm, which means when fall and winter roll around, they’ll be looking at your home as a potential place for an extended vacation!

Rats and mice make their way into your home by a variety of ways, including:

  • Weepholes in Brick Buildings
Weepholes are the small openings that sometimes occur in between bricks. They often don’t look big enough for anything to get in, but trust us, mice and rats can squeeze right through them!
  • Holes in Eaves
Rodents aren’t afraid of heights, and can actually climb quite high for the size of their little bodies. This means that if you have holes in the eaves of your house, it’s the perfect way for a rat or mouse to climb in and make itself at home.
Tall and beautiful palm trees are commonplace in metro NOLA. But did you know that inside these beauties, roof rats love to nest? And, if you have a palm tree near your home, you can bet these rodents are going to find a way inside for warmer temperatures during the fall and winter.
  • Garage Access
One of the easiest ways that rodents make their way inside your home is by squeezing inside your garage. Attracted either by open food containers for pets, or just the warmer temperatures inside, once a rodent is in your garage, it makes it that much easier for it to invade your living spaces.
  • Entering in Through Damaged Walls and Siding
Just like weepholes in brick buildings provide a passageway for rodents, damages in your walls or exterior siding can create a pathway for mice and rats. If you have any interior or exterior damage to your walls or siding, be on high alert for rodents in your home.

When it comes to your home, preventing rodents from entering your home, wildelife exclusion techniques are your friends. We’ve got some helpful tips on our website that you can check out. But, if it’s already too late and you’ve seen the telltale signs of rodents in your home or around the exterior of your property, it’s time to get expert help, now!

You may think you can rid yourself of your pest problem by buying traps from your local hardware store. But, pesky pests are often trap resistant. To prevent rodents from entering – and multiplying – in your home, you need the assistance of a pest control expert, like those at Fischer Environmental. To protect your metro New Orleans home from these unwanted visitors this fall and winter, call us today at (800) 391-2565.

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