Friday, December 30, 2016

Winter Fertilization

A healthy lawn is not something that just grows in a matter of a few days or even a few months. You may have spent the spring and summer working hard to provide your lawn with the conditions that it needs to a achieve great health and a beautiful appearance, but still find that you are somehow coming up short.
It could be that your lawn is not coming in the way that you like, or you might feel like you have made progress, only to find that it seems like you are starting all over again in the next spring. If this sounds familiar, then you might want to think about what you are doing in the winter to set the foundation for a good lawn in the spring.

Looks Can be Deceiving

So you get out there every spring and summer to fertilize the lawn, and you’re taking all of the right steps to produce that nice green grass that is pleasing to the eye. Understandably, you get the impression that you have a lawn that is strong and healthy, but appearances can be deceiving.
While you may have a top growth that is green and healthy, it’s important to consider what is going on beneath the surface. There is more to a healthy lawn than good top growth. For the lawn to be healthy, it needs a strong root system and density to go along with that nice looking top growth.

Care for Grass Roots in the Winter

For many people, the winter is where they fail to provide their lawn with what it needs. You might think that since the lawn is not growing during the winter, that it does not need any special care, but this is where you would be wrong.
While the growth may slow and eventually stop during the winter, the roots are still working beneath the surface. As the temperatures begin to drop, the roots start to absorb nutrients in order to develop a strong root system, and then they use these nutrients that they store away in the winter to help bring the plant out of dormancy in the spring.
This is why the winterizing application of fertilizer is so important. It will provide your lawn’s root system with the nutrients that it needs to sustain the plant in the winter, which helps to get it ready for the spring. With a healthy root system that develops all year round, your lawn will be much more resilient.

Best Time for Winter Fertilizer

The best time to apply winter fertilizer can vary depending on the conditions, but for most lawns, the right time is during the late fall. Around the end of November to the beginning of December, the grass is still green, and the root system is still active. By providing your lawn with fertilizer as it is going into the winter, the root system will have a chance to absorb the nutrients that it will need. This will get it ready for a strong start to the next growing season.

If you want to ensure that your lawn is as a green and as healthy as it can be, then it will require care that runs throughout the year. Our lawn care specialists can develop a program that will ensure the optimal health and appearance for your lawn. Contact us today for a free estimate!

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