Friday, December 16, 2016

Tips for Keeping Pests Out of your Home During Winter

As the weather starts to cool, you may be noticing a few more pests  inside your home. Just like you, they want to find a warm spot away from the cold. However, they are annoying at best and a damage-wreaking, health hazard at worst. Here are a few tips to help you keep them out.

Seal Openings to the Home

One of the first steps in protecting your home against pests is to exclude them from the structure. Now, there is no way to make your house 100% pest proof – pests do have a way of finding a way in – but there are some things that you can do to help.
      Entryways: Inspect all of the doors in your home to make sure that they are properly sealed. Check for damaged or worn weather stripping, and look to see if there are any gaps that need to be caulked.
      Windows: Inspect all of your windows and screens. If the screens have holes or don’t fit well, get them repaired. If there are gaps or cracks around the frame, then you may want to consider caulking.
      Foundation: Look for small cracks around the foundation or spaces where the foundation meets the home. If you find any, seal them up.
      Attic: Check the attic vent to make sure that it is secure and undamaged. If it is loose, then you need to tighten it. If it is broken, it needs to be replaced.

Dry Out Wet Areas

Next, pests need water to survive, and as the winter approaches, they are going to be looking for a good source. You don't want them relying on your home for water all winter so dry out wet areas using these tactics.
      Fix Leaks: If you have any leaky pipes or dripping faucets, get them repaired.
      Remove Standing Water: Don’t leave glasses of water around or water standing in sinks/showers/toilets. Dry them out and keep toilet lids closed.
      Roof: A leaky roof can be another water supply, check to ensure you don’t have any wet spots.
      Dehumidify: If the air in your basement has a lot of moisture, this can condense and provide water to pests. Get a dehumidifier and remove the moisture from the air.

Eliminate Attractive Habitats

Another key step in keeping pests out of the home in the winter is to eliminate potential pest habitats. If their outdoor habitat is far from the home, then they are much less likely to try to come in when the weather turns cold. Here are some tips:
      Move Debris: If you have something like a pile of bricks or a woodpile near the house, move it away from the structure.
      Trash Cans: Keep your trash cans sealed and move them away from your house.
      Gutters: Clean all of the leaves and debris from your gutters. You also want to make sure that the downspouts are channeling the water away from the structure.
      Mulch: If you have mulch in the yard, move it so that it is not resting against the home.
      Plants: If you have bushes or plants outside the home, try to move them away from the structure.

Call Fischer For Professional Advice

If you have concerns about pest control this winter, the team from Fischer Environmental can help. We can provide your home with effective pest control solutions that will keep the pests out.  If they are already in your home, we can thoroughly remove the problem. From ants and termites to rodents and even snakes, we have the knowledge and experience to keep your home pest-free. Contact us today for a free inspection.

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