Monday, March 21, 2016

The Latest on the Zika Virus

You have likely heard all the news coverage recently about the spread of the ZIka Virus. Zika is a virus which little is known about, which is part of what makes it a threat. Spread by mosquitoes, it is causing one of the more pronounced public health issues in years, if not decades. The dangerous virus has been declared a public health emergency of international concern as of February 1, 2016. This declaration was made by the World Health Organization because there have been thousands of cases of infants being born with microcephaly (or, an unusually small cranium) in Brazil which has been linked to the virus. Now the virus appears to be spreading to states in the U.S. as people return from vacationing.

mosquito in forest or in the garden. It is danger 

The Zika Virus in Louisiana

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals announced in February of this year that it was investigating two alleged cases of the Zika virus. The citizens being investigated had recently traveled to the Caribbean where they are thought to have contracted it. Louisiana is not alone in this occurrence as it is the 17th state in the US that has reported cases of Zika. The virus is becoming, in reality, a bit of an epidemic and should be of concern to all LA residents and homeowners.

Latest Zika Case in the Bay Area

Six people in the Bay Area of California have also been confirmed to have Zika. They had recently all returned from traveling overseas in countries where Zika is present. State officials believe they contracted the virus while traveling, and although the Aedes aegypti lives in the Bay Area, San Mateo and Alameda counties, they have no confirmed occurrences of a mosquito-transmitted Zika case.

How to Prevent the Zika Virus

So, how do we keep ourselves, our kids, our pets and all of our loved ones safe from Zika? The first step is to be aware of the risks when traveling to countries where the Zika virus is present. Second, even though no cases have yet been confirmed to have been caused by mosquitos in the U.S., it is better to be safe than sorry; especially for pregnant women. In Louisiana, the climate and general environment are quite hospitable to mosquitos and these types of viruses. This was evidence by the West Nile outbreak that happened just a few years ago. So, keep these 2 simple tips in mind…
  1. It’s vital to find areas in your backyard where mosquitoes breed including damp spots and standing water and eliminate them.
  2. You may want to consider creating a mosquito blockade if you will. This barrier should be sprayed within 10 feet of the home.
Contact Fischer Environmental Services today if you want to protect your home from mosquitoes. We know that this type of information can be a bit worrisome, but we are at your service. We have the best technicians as part of our team who can help to ease your mind. They will help you locate those areas where mosquitoes might breed and eliminate the risks. They can also help prevent mosquitoes by spraying a mosquito barrier around your home. The products we use are suggested for use around people, animals, and vegetation, are non-toxic to birds or other creatures, and are precisely formulated to only get rid of your pests. Contact Fischer Environmental today to help protect your home from mosquitoes. Click here to learn more about creating a mosquito barrier around your home. 

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