Thursday, March 17, 2016

Termite Prevention

Tiny bugs swarming the wood in your walls and foundation, damaging your home, and terrorizing your family isn't quite a homeowner's dream. More like a nightmare. Termites are the bugs we are talking about here and they are stubborn, having no intentions of leaving without a fight as long as they have resources to live on. The goal for homeowners is to make your home unattractive to them and to take proactive steps to ensure they aren't making your home, their home.

group of termite wood eater
group of termite wood eater

Termite Season

Though they are small and seemingly harmless, termites can be destructive. They are active all year so can cause damage at any time of the year. However, they do have seasons in which they are worst which depends on an area’s climate and other factors. Termite season can run anywhere from February to November, but spring almost always brings the heaviest part of the swarming season. If you would like to find out when termite season is in your area, you can contact a local professional for a free inspection. Your pest control expert will be able to advise you on the termite’s swarming season and will be able to help you decide the best course of action.

Now to avoid potential problems with termites, here are some steps you can take toward prevention.

Tips for Prevention

Termites will attack your home in an insidious manner so protecting the house from termite damage will require proactive steps. Waiting until you have an infestation may result in irreparable damage, not to mention that termites can also be exceedingly difficult to get rid of. So, the best thing that you can do when it comes to termites and your home, is to follow these simple and straightforward prep steps:
  1. Eliminate sources of food near the home. Termites survive from eating cellulose in wood, so will likely set up a colony if your home is an abundant source. You will want to minimize the amount of dead wood you have on your property from old stumps to stacks of firewood. Even wood for landscaping or mulch can attract them.
  2. Keep plant growth away from the home. Clear away leaves from the home and keep the area around the home free of debris. Termites are more likely to infest when brush and bushes are in contact with the house.
  3. Seal moisture out of your home, especially near the foundation. Just as termites need food and shelter, they need water. If they are unable to access water, they will likely not set up shop in your home. Check for leaky pipes, drain spouts, etc. Inspect the chimney, roof, and windows for cracks and leaks.
  4. You may want to consider having a new home treated for termites. The contractors can treat the soil as well as the wood in the foundation. This is an easy preventative step that may make sense if you are working on a new construction home.
  5. Contact a professional: One of the best ways to prevent termites is to have a thorough inspection of your home by a trained professional. Many times, it is hard to identify a potential problem without being experienced with termite infestations. A professional will know exactly what to look for and where to look for it. Professionals recommend an inspection every other year to catch any potential problems early.
Following the steps above, along with regularly scheduled inspections and vigilance, will help keep termites at bay. It is much less expensive to prevent termites than to repair the damage that they can cause.

Basically, your goal should be to make your home as inhospitable and unattractive to termite guests as possible. That’s your best bet. But, if they have already infested or if you are worried that they might be, then you should consult a professional who can advise you on the best strategy to get rid of them. Fischer environmental is well trained in the prevention and treatment of termites as well as many other common household pests in Louisiana. Click here for a free inspection today, and we can ensure your home is pest free.

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