Thursday, September 28, 2017

Do Roaches Like Coffee?

If there’s one universal moment that everyone can agree is scary, or at least gross, it’s the second you turn on a light in your kitchen and see roaches scurrying away. Nothing can make your skin crawl more than the thought of these insects crawling over your food and dishes. Putting down some traps is usually the first step, but that doesn’t stop you from eyeing your morning coffee with some trepidation. Did any of those roaches help themselves to a few of your grounds?

Roaches Are Repelled by Coffee

In fact, your coffee is likely safe. Roaches are repelled by ground coffee. Putting some ground coffee down in the corners or windowsills of your kitchen can actually help keep these insects away. One problem for roaches is the acidity in coffee grounds, which can kill them if ingested. If you choose to try this method, be sure to focus on places where the roaches come in and out of the kitchen. This is the most likely place to expose them to the toxin that will kill them, and also keeps your whole house from smelling like old coffee.

How do we know that? The first reason we know this is due to our experience. We handle all the pest control needs for some of the largest coffee production facilities in the United States, and over the years we have noticed that there is a suspicious lack of roaches. Where most warehouses would attract at least a few, these locations are always clear of this bug. And if they don’t like more than 80 million pounds of coffee available to them every night, they aren’t going to want the bag on your counter.

The second reason that we know this is because of the chemical makeup of caffeine. Studies have shown that part of caffeine’s makeup is actually toxic to roaches, killing them nearly immediately. Combined with the harmful acidity, this is clear evidence for the idea that roaches are not after your coffee.

So Why Do You See Roaches by the Coffee?

You are probably wondering, if we know that roaches hate coffee so much, why do I always see roaches by the coffee pot when I flip on the light? Most of the time, the reason you see roaches by your coffee is because they are attracted to things that you store right by the coffee. Look at your coffee pot, or picture it in your mind. Next to it, you likely have creamer, sugar, or other food items that have been left out. These things can attract roaches, rather than the coffee itself.

In fact, creamer and sugar are the two biggest culprits that we have seen in our experience. Roaches are attracted to these two things and will make a beeline for them. Putting these ingredients away, and being sure to clean up any spills immediately, will help get rid of roaches naturally. Roaches are not in need of warm shelter or other materials – their entire purpose in life is to eat. So if you take away their food, they’ll soon head elsewhere.

Not Working Fast Enough?

If you’ve ditched the creamer and sugar, and you still see roaches invading your coffee space, the next thing to do is give us a call. We have decades of experience getting rid of pests and are more than happy to help you assess the problem, and tackle the right solution. You can send us a message or chat with us live right here, or call us at 800-391-2565, for pest control, termite and flea control, fire ant control, and more.


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