Monday, May 9, 2016

How to Prep Your Home for Mosquito Season

The tiny mosquito is one of the deadliest animals in the world. It can be difficult to comprehend how something as tiny as this nasty insect can wipe out millions of people in its wake. The WHO has reported that mosquito bites result in about one million deaths annually, with the majority of these deaths caused by malaria. The mosquito by itself is not the one that kills people; but rather, it is the disease that the mosquito carries and transfers to a host body that is considered deadly.


Things to Do to Prevent Mosquitos from Invading Your Home

Now that the summer months are fast approaching, you need to prep your home and yard in order to ensure that mosquitos don’t choose them as breeding grounds. Here are a couple of things you can do:
  • Remove all standing water- Standing water in your home and yard is a health hazard, as it can harbor mosquito eggs and larvae. It can collect in birdbaths and pet water bowls, so regularly clean them. Dry down muddy ditches and puddles in your yard and toss out old tires. Also, remove leaves and twigs from roof gutters and empty the water out of gardening tools and equipment. Inside the home, check if there is water in flower vases and flip over empty bottles and jars to prevent water from penetrating.    
  • Use natural pest control- Having ducks, chickens, and turkeys scurrying all over your yard can help control mosquitos, as poultry and waterfowl absolutely love to eat mosquitos.
  • Certain plants can help-Citronella grass (lemongrass) gives off a lemon-scented smell that is effective at repulsing mosquitos. It is a low-maintenance plant that is very easy to grow. Having a herb garden will also come in handy as the woodsy scent of rosemary and the pungent smell of basil will help to mosquitos away. Catnip—also known as catmint—is also an effective natural mosquito repellant, but you might have to think twice about planting this in your garden if you have cats as domestic pets.
  • Light citronella candles- Citronella oil comes from the stems and leaves of citronella and repels mosquitos. If you are fond of DIY projects, you can make homemade citronella candles in order to achieve a mosquito-free summer. Simply add several drops of essential citronella oil into the melted wax to make the candles.
  • Check screens for tears- Screen doors and windows can take a beating from pets and children, resulting in small holes and tears that allow pesky mosquitos inside the home. Make sure to fix your screens before the start of the mosquito season.
  • Level your yard- Uneven lawn spots can collect standing water, so if you have a lawn that is full of puddles, consider leveling up the soil. Use your wheelbarrow and shovel to collect top soil from a higher spot in the yard, then dump it into the low spots to even it out.
  • Keep trash cans closed-Remember that mosquitos love to breed in moist places, and uncovered trash bins can easily collect water after a rainy afternoon or a morning dew. You have to either keep them tightly covered, or drill small holes in the bottom for water to drain.
  • Keep grass and shrubs maintained.- Aside from standing water, mosquitos also thrive on grass and shrubs because they feed on plant nectar. Regularly prune your shrubs and keep the grasses mowed and cut short to keep the mosquitos away.
  • Contact a professional pest control companies-If you feel that you have already done everything you can to keep mosquitos away, and they still continue to plague your home, then now is the time to call in the experts. Fischer Environmental is one of Louisiana’s leading pest control companies and will be able to wipe out the mosquitos in your home in a safe and efficient way.
Mosquitos pose a serious health threat to you and your family. Keep your loved ones safe by implementing precautions that will deter mosquitos from breeding and biting in your home and yard. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.

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