Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Is your home ready for termite season?

As a resident of the Gulf Coast, you probably already know that termites can be a particularly serious problem in this area. However, even with this common knowledge in the region, few residents really know how to prepare the home for termite season. This yearly preparation is the home’s first line of defense against the damage that can be caused by these insects, so it is important for every homeowner to take steps that will get the home ready for termite season.

About Termite Season
For pest control specialists, termite season refers to the time of year when the swarming termites leave the nest. Termites are actually active all year, but the swarming seasons are of particular concern because this is the time when a structure will be exposed to the greatest risk for a new infestation. While different types of termites will swarm during different months, the time of highest concern for homes in Louisiana is the spring and early summer.

Do You Know the Signs of Termites?
In getting the home ready for termite season, the homeowner is also going to want to learn how to identify the signs of termites. One key sign is the presence of the flying termites. If you are seeing flying termites around the home, then this could indicate that there is a colony nearby. Additionally, if you are seeing the wings of these swarming termites in or around the home, this could be a sign of trouble.


Is Wood Moved Away From Your Home?
With wood being a source of food for termites, you want to do your best to keep any wood away from the home. If you keep firewood in the yard, make sure that it is a good distance from the structure. If there are any wooden landscaping pieces, you will want to move any that are close to the home. Many homeowners leave wood close to the home and this can increase the risk of termite infestation.

Are All Food Sources Eliminated?
In addition to removing things like firewood from places that are close to the structure, it will be a good idea to keep the yard as free of dead or rotting wood as you possibly can. Wood mulch can be an attractive source of food for termites. If there is a rotting tree stump or some fallen branches in the yard, you will want to get rid of those.

Is Moisture Present?
As much as you and every other human needs water to survive, a termite colony needs water to survive too. If the soil around the home is moist, then it is going to make a better environment for termites. Additionally, leaky pipes in the home can help to provide an infestation with the water that they will need to thrive and infest the home.

Has Heavy Brush and Growth Been Removed?
When you have bushes and brush growing up around the house, it can expose the structure to a termite infestation. They can feed on the debris that comes off this vegetation and they can live off the moisture that is being used to water these plants. Remove as much of this brush as possible and if they are shrubs that you want to keep, make sure that they are well trimmed.

Is Your Foundation Treated?
To prevent termite infestations, you can get the foundation and soil around the home treated. These treatments establish a repellant barrier to keep the termites from establishing a colony. These treatments can be effective at keeping termites off the property and one treatment from a professional could provide the home with years of protection.

Have You Consulted a Professional?
In termite prevention, one of the key steps is the attention of a professional termite specialist. For the average person, the signs of termite infestation will only become apparent once a significant amount of damage has been caused. An experienced pest control professional will know how to identify the signs of an early infestation and, if it is caught early enough, they will be able to provide solutions that can stop the infestation before any serious damage is done.

With how much damage termites can cause, it is important for every homeowner in Louisiana to do a little yearly prevention. Taking the time to hit all of the points on your checklist can go a long way toward protecting the home. If you find reason to believe that there may be a termite infestation, then you need to contact a professional termite control service. Fischer Environmental offers pest control that will be able to get the problem under control and they can provide services that will help to prevent any future infestations. Contact us today!

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