Wednesday, June 21, 2017

It's Prime Time for Mosquitoes

It’s often joked that Louisiana’s state bird is the mosquito. The pesky insects are almost more common than birds in the state of Louisiana. They are often huge, disease-ridden, and hard to exterminate. People often warn about trying to swat a Louisiana mosquito, because they may just swat back. With the new spring growing in full force, it will be more than helpful to know the 2017 Louisiana mosquito forecast.

Prepare for an Early Arrival

Unfortunately, 2017 has brought early warmth and early wetness. Together, they have created the perfect storm for mosquitoes. The nasty bugs love warm and wet climates, and they are sure to be swarming early this year.

While the bites and stings of mosquitoes sure are annoying, they are only the first of your problems when it comes to dealing with these insects. Mosquitoes are known for carrying diseases such as the Zika virus, which is deadly and can spread easily once caught.

The best way to prevent your home from a mosquito invasion is to make sure to get rid of any standing water or soggy areas in your yard and garden. Mosquitoes love standing water, as it is where they go to breed. By getting rid of their breeding grounds, you can keep them away from your land.
It's also a good idea to drill holes in the bottom of your recycling bins or trash cans in order to drain any standing liquid. This is a good time of year to clean out your gutters and drains to make sure they aren’t clogged, too. Take a walk around your property and check for places where water can store up after a rain. Make sure to regrade those areas to prevent standing water from occurring. If you own a pool, make sure it is chlorinated – this will prevent mosquitoes from using it as a breeding site.

Additionally, aside from wanting water to breed, mosquitoes also need a place to rest. They love taking breaks inside of tall vegetation, and tend to gather mainly around weeds. If you didn’t have enough of an incentive to clear weeds out of your yard already, now is the perfect opportunity to become even more motivated. You should mow your lawn often and pull out any weeds that gather around shade trees or the side of your house.

Last, but certainly not least, consider some type of barrier treatment to put around the premises of your home. This will prevent mosquitoes from invading your space, and it will ward them away from becoming too close. Unfortunately, store-bought items such as foggers or bug bombs are not very effective against mosquitoes. This is because they typically will only kill the adults. Although you can’t see it, it is likely that the adults have laid many eggs at that point. The babies will hatch very soon after, making it appear as if your bug bomb didn’t kill any at all. With a barrier treatment, however, you can be protected for up to 21 days, which is plenty of time to kill both adults and babies before they can lay any more eggs.

Contact Your Local Mosquito Control Board

If you’re concerned about mosquito season, or you want to learn more about how to protect yourself from mosquitoes in the area, you can contact the Louisiana Mosquito Control Association. They have many branches around the state, and you can view a list of them here:

Call Fischer to Keep Your Home Protected

Make sure to take all of our tips into account when searching for a way to protect your home. By investing in a barrier treatment, you are sure to prevent mosquitoes from invading your space and spreading dangerous diseases like the Zika virus. It’s never too early to ward yourself against mosquitoes. At Fischer, we have professionals to help you deal with this environmental crisis. For more information, feel free to visit our website:
If you want to speak to someone right away, you can call us at (800) 391-2565, or you can shoot us an email at Protect yourself today, and steer clear of mosquitoes tomorrow!
