Wednesday, May 3, 2017

2017 Louisiana Termite Forecast

Homeowners face a lot of difficult and inconvenient struggles throughout the course of maintaining a house. But no struggle is more terrifying or inconvenient than termites.

Termites are always a recipe for disaster. And in 2017, we may see the worst termite season yet. With the seasons growing hotter and the air growing wetter, it’s a perfect storm and a termite’s paradise. Soon, swarming season will be upon us.

What Is Swarming Season?

Swarming season is the busiest season of the year for termites. During this time, termites leave their homemade tunnels and nests in order to find mates and reproduce. Termites like to spread out and look for as much food and water as possible.

Swarming season typically occurs in mid-spring, and is often reported around the time of Mother’s Day. However, due to the increase in heat and wetness this year, we may see swarming season much sooner. The rapidly changing weather could cause swarming season to last longer than usual as well.
So, how does swarming season affect homeowners?

When termites start to swarm, they are full of activity. They are mating, reproducing, and consuming much more food than usual. And, of course, their food comes in the form of wood – the wooden structure of your house. It won’t take long for a swarm of termites to burrow into your wood and call it home. Some homeowners have reported being able to actually see the termites swarming around an infected house in droves, which has dubbed this activity “swarming season”.

What Can You Do During Swarming Season?

In severe cases, termite damage can be irreparable. The longer termites dwell in the home, the weaker the structural integrity of the home becomes. As an animal species that literally consumes wood, these are extremely dangerous for your home.

Termite damage can cost thousands of dollars out of pocket. This is piled on top of the fact that most homeowner’s insurance companies don’t like to cover termite damage. This is a large motivating factor for learning the signs of termite damage early and knowing what to look for in order to prevent an infestation from occurring.

Termite swarms are typically found in the wooden structure near windows, next to lights, or in areas that receive plenty of sunlight. If you see dead termites around your house, especially on windowsills or door frames, you have received a sure sign of infestation.

Colonies of termites can be quite large, with numbers reaching in the hundreds or thousands. Even with a small colony that only consists of a few termites, the damage can still become significant.
The most beneficial action you can take during the event of a termite infestation is to call a professional immediately. Termite inspection and extermination companies can arrive at your home in a timely manner and inspect your house for any infested areas. They will be able to assess the damage and offer solutions to prevent the infestation from growing further. These professionals are able to kill termites, prevent growth, and repair any damaged wood.

The Fischer Ultimate Guarantee

Traditional methods of exterminating termites have been outlawed since the 1980s due to potential health hazards. Since then, the termite industry has struggled to find another extermination method that would truly eradicate the bugs.

At Fischer, we use that method. The FISCHER Termidor® system will keep your home protected no matter what. This specialized treatment system uses our professional expertise to provide an unconditional repair and replacement guarantee.

Our treatment plan can be completed in 24 hours or less, depending on the severity of the infestation. This is the best way to cleanse your home and prevent further damage.

Swarming season is upon us, and time can’t wait any longer. Get your home inspected and treated before it’s too late!

To learn more, contact us online on our website:

For further questions, email us at or call us any time at (800) 391-2565 to speak with a professional today!