Monday, February 29, 2016

Early Spring Maintenance Tips For a Healthy New Orleans Lawn

To get the perfect lawn, the homeowner needs to put some effort into cultivating healthy grass. To grow the best lawn that you can, you need the right equipment and you also need to know the different steps for care that need to be applied at different times of the year. Spring happens to be one of the most important seasons for lawn growth, and the steps that you take during this time of year can make a significant difference in the quality of your lawn.

Early Spring Maintenance Tips For a Healthy New Orleans Lawn a

Here is what we recommend:

Sharpen Mower Blades
A lot of homeowners do not realize the importance of keeping the blades on their mower sharp and many will unknowingly keep running their mower with blades that are too dull. The problem is that a mower with dull blades will still make the grass shorter, so the person doesn’t even identify the problem.

The problem is when the blades are not sharp enough, they rip the grass instead of making a clean cut and this can damage the health of the lawn. At the beginning of the season, make sure to get the blades on your mower sharpened to ensure a nice clean cut.

Buy New Gas
The old gas that has been sitting in your mower all winter may have accumulated moisture while the machine was stored away. This accumulation can damage the engine of the mower and cause performance problems. Empty the tank and buy fresh gas to protect the mower against damage. Additionally, you want to make sure to dispose of the gas properly.

Clean Up the Lawn
Over the fall and winter, a lot of debris can build up on the lawn. The accumulation of leaves and twigs that are left over from the cold season, can deprive the lawn of sunlight and inhibit the flow of water to the soil. Early spring is an important time of year for the grass to grow, so you want to get out the rake and make sure that the lawn is nice and clear.

Give Mower a Tune Up
Make sure that your mower is in good working order by giving it a yearly tune up. Change the oil, replace the air filter and put in a new spark plug. It doesn’t cost that much and it is a job that can be done relatively quickly. A mower that is well cared for will perform better and it will have a longer operating life.

Control Weeds
The early part of spring is also the most important time of year for weed control. Following the winter, the grass is at its weakest and this is when weeds can really take root. Applying a spray program in the beginning of spring will be critical to ensuring that your lawn is weed free. If you wait until it is too hot and too far into the summer, the weeds may have really taken root, and it will be much harder to get them under control without damaging the turf.

Test Soil
You can put all the work in the world into your lawn, but if you do not understand what is going on with the soil, it could all be for naught. Knowing the soil pH will tell you in what ways the soil might be lacking and it can help to inform your decisions regarding a fertilizer. Testing the pH of your soil is relatively simple and the knowledge that it provides can make a major difference in your lawn care strategy. The test kits are readily available at most hardware stores and lawn care centers and they don’t require any specialized knowledge or equipment to use.

Water as Needed
One of the biggest mistakes that many homeowners make at this time of year is to overwater the lawn. Overwatering can damage the root system and make the grass more prone to disease. Carefully manage your lawn’s water needs and make sure not to go overboard.

The steps that you take in the early spring set your lawn up for the rest of the growing season. A failure to plan accordingly and take the necessary steps, can seriously diminish the quality of the lawn. The lawn care experts at Fischer Environmental understand the importance of this season and we can help to build a custom plan that will get the most from your lawn. Click here for more information about our lawn care services.

Monday, February 22, 2016

5 reasons that make New Orleans different from anywhere else

One of the first things that is going to make an impression on any visitor or first timer to the city is how different it is from the rest of the nation. New Orleans has its own feel and cultural vibe that helps to set it apart from cities in other places, and much of this is due to the peculiar history that this city has. While the history of New Orleans may be intertwined with the rest of the United States, much of it is very independent of events that occurred in the rest of the nation.

5 reasons that make New Orleans different from anywhere else a

Remained an Outpost of French and Spanish Empires until 1803
Part of the reason that New Orleans has a history and cultural landscape that is so different from the rest of the United States is because it wasn’t established as a British colony like the other early states in the union. This sort of secluded it, and set it apart from the rest of the outposts that had been established in what is now the US.

Being set apart from the rest of the English settlements, and a long way from Canada, it was a place that developed its own culture. People from various cultural traditions shared the city, lived together and their cultures mixed to make something that was different from anywhere else on the planet. Even after the city became a part of the US in the Louisiana Purchase, it maintained this feel, and new groups of people came. The new cultures that they brought with them became a part of the mix.

The French Quarter
The French Quarter is a place romanticized in the minds of many. The unique architecture, the dining establishments, and the people, help to make the neighborhood a place that is truly enchanting. Being the oldest neighborhood in the city, it is full of history, and visitors can experience the past when they participate in many of the city’s cultural events and tours. If you want the authentic New Orleans experience, then the French Quarter should take a central place in your plans.

Diverse Population and Neighborhoods
A big part of what helps to make New Orleans so special is, as we mentioned, the people. In this city, you have people that come from all sorts of cultural backgrounds, and different groups from all over the world have helped to put their cultural stamp on the city.

From its days as a Spanish settlement and as a French city, the population has always been diverse. You have the Cajun and the Creole traditions, a strong African-American influence, a Latino community and the various cultural traditions that have come with generation after generation of Europeans who made this city their home on their arrival to the New World.

5 reasons that make New Orleans different from anywhere else b

Creole traditions and food
One of the most distinctive elements that you will find in New Orleans is that of the Creole culture. Originally, this term was used to describe the free black or mixed race individuals that inhabited the city. However, as more Americans started to come to the city, it became a term that was also used to identify the city’s residents of French heritage. The influence that Creole culture has had on New Orleans cannot be overstated, and it touches everything from the architecture and the accents, to the art and the food. In New Orleans, you can still experience authentic Creole cuisine, with its rich flavors and a sophisticated blend of ingredients.

Mardi Gras Festivals
If you are going to talk about what makes New Orleans unique, then you have to mention Mardi Gras. While it does have its roots in the city’s French Catholic history, just like everything else in New Orleans, the blend of cultures has left its mark on the festival. On Mardi Gras, you have the wonderful parades, the interesting costumes and a celebration that cannot be recreated anywhere else on the planet.

Any person that has ever been to New Orleans knows that this is a city that moves to its own rhythm. You have a mix of culinary styles that cannot be matched, the various cultural influences, the over the top celebrations and festivals, and of course, the history. With so much to offer, it is no wonder that so many people over many generations have fallen in love with New Orleans.

We at Fischer Environmental love where we live and we hope that you visit New Orleans- you’ll fall in love, too!

Monday, February 15, 2016

New Orleans Festival Season 2016 Guide

New Orleans is a city that is known for its celebrations and festivals. Every year, the community comes together for a variety of events that celebrate the local culture, the food and a range of other things. As the festival season approaches, knowing what is happening when can help you be prepared for the events that you want to attend.

New Orleans Festival Season 2016 Guide a

March 5-6, 12-13 – Spring Fiesta
The cultural heritage of New Orleans is one of the things that will attract many visitors to the city. With the Spring Fiesta, the first two weekends in March become a time when people can really experience this history up close. There are parades to attend, walking tours through different historic neighborhoods and tours of some of the historic homes.

March 11-12 – Buku Music and Art Project
For music, art and local culture, there are few events like the Buku Music and Art Festival. The event features music from local and national artists, and it also celebrates the history and culture of New Orleans. Watch the paddleboats go down the river, experience the authentic local cuisine or get the premium experience by taking advantage of the VIP packages.

March 20 – Mardi Gras Indians Super Sunday
The Mardi Gras Indians Super Sunday is another big event that provides a great cultural opportunity. Various tribes from the Mardi Gras Indian Council get together to hold a parade to celebrate their history. Dressed in elaborate costumes and performing cultural chants and dances they march through the streets for an event that is truly unique and interesting.

New Orleans Festival Season 2016 Guide b

March 11-17 – St. Patrick’s Day Parades
St. Patrick’s Day has deep roots in New Orleans and every year the city celebrates these roots by hosting more than a week’s worth of events. There are a total of three parades and various block parties to mark the holiday and of course, the celebration has a touch of the local flavor. At the biggest of the parades, float riders throw beads and other trinkets just like they do with the Mardi Gras parades.

March 19 – St. Joseph’s Day
The celebrations for this Catholic saint are very important to many of the city’s residents and the events associated with it are a local favorite. The tradition is to commemorate the memory of St. Joseph and the relief that he provided Sicilians during the famine. By tradition, people will build alters to show thanks and share food with those in need. Additionally, there is the parade organized by the American Italian Marching Club.

March 19-20 – Congo Square New Worlds Rhythm Festival
This festival is a celebration of the rich cultural tradition that has helped to give the music of New Orleans its unique sound. It is a free event organized by the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation and it features all sorts of music and dance including that from the Afro-Caribbean tradition and the Gulf Region.

March 26 – Crescent City Classic
The Crescent City Classic is a 10k race held annually in the city. It runs through many of New Orleans most iconic neighborhoods and it is popular with local runners and competitors from all over the world. In addition to the race, you have the post-race festival, which includes music food and beverages.

TBA – Wednesday at the Square Concert Series
Running from March until June, residents and visitors can enjoy the different acts that take part in this 12-week concert series held at Lafayette Square.

Combined with the annual Tennessee Williams Literary Festival, this LGBT literary event is host to various speakers, readings and workshops. It runs from the end of March to the first few days of April and it is made up of different events and contests.

French Quarter Festival: April 7-10 2016
With 20 performance stages and over 90 food and beverage booths, this is the largest free music festival in the South. It’s a celebration of the local culture and music, plus there are tons of attractions that are organized in association with the festival.

People come from all over the country to experience the New Orleans Jazz Festival. While it may be a festival to celebrate city’s connection to jazz, the event features artists and acts from every style of music that you can imagine. It’s a big event with big names and it only happens in New Orleans.

With the New Orleans festival season, it seems like there is another exciting event every day. It’s a great time of year and there is lots of fun to be had. Come to the city, have a good time and experience some of the events that help to make New Orleans a one of a kind city.

Fischer Pest Control is proud to be a part of the local New Orleans community for more than 50 years. We hope to find this guide helpful and we’ll see you out at the festivals this spring!